Pay Day Loan Advertising on Children’s TV…REALLY!?

By admin on December 23, 2013

Once again my faith in those who supposedly lead the Country has diminished! At a time where economic growth is critical and a period where businesses need all the support and guidance they can muster to survive and flourish, what …

Once again my faith in those who supposedly lead the Country has diminished!

At a time where economic growth is critical and a period where businesses need all the support and guidance they can muster to survive and flourish, what is the headline coming out of the Business Select Committee in Westminster…ban Pay Day Loan Advertising on Children’s TV…GENIUS!

The Business Select Committee are there to support and implement strategies and ensure fair play prudence and the development of business in the UK…instead they are worrying about advertising a specific type of product on Children’s TV.

Now, as a Dad of young girls who have spent the last two months shouting “I want that” over the adverts in between Scooby Doo, Ben 10 and the like, IF the Business Select Committee really wanted to help, they could ban the multitude of adverts pushing tat toys, mass produced in China and the like, all of which last a nanosecond and simply clutter houses across the Country!

Funny enough, neither our 5 year old or our slightly more financially astute 6 year old has come wondering through and said “Daddy, have you considered taking out one of those pay day loan thingys…” the irony being that that is just about the only way that we could afford to pay for the pile of pointless plastic dolls and mindless games repetitively drilled into any poor child who watches a channel for more than 10 minutes!

How’s about taking the bolder move at looking at the whole ethos and appropriateness of advertising on children’s channels, rather than picking on one product that frankly doesn’t even register on the radar…how’s about it Mr and Mrs Business Select Committee members?

Perhaps it’s the plethora of jobless parents who watch the children’s channels with their children during the day that you are worried about – well here’s another idea…instead of banning the adverts, how’s about delivering an economic structure that marginalises pay day and high interest loans and provides more jobs so that people don’t need the loans in the first place and wouldn’t see them advertised anyway…just saying.

Also, is it right that a child of 5 has to watch a starving child in Somalia or a battered puppy or a neglected donkey and come through with tears in her eyes begging me to send some money and asking why people are so cruel?

A sense of perspective and a thought about the bigger picture might just be a more appropriate use of time and energy by those in power…don’t you think?